We hope many of you will come

Saturday 18 May at 9pm in the church of San Bernardino in Lallio.

A singular concert entitled “The warrior and the lady between parody and catharsis”.

The musicians of the Fantazyas Ensemble will play pieces by Telemann and Handel: the suite for stringed instruments is the formula chosen by the two masterful composers to convey the yearning, the dramatic character alternating with comical traits of the literary works of the Renaissance and baroque. The event consists of a mix of readings from Cervantes’ “Don Quixote della Mancha” and related music inspired by chivalric literature.

Reservations at info@sanbernardinolallio.it specifying surname and name, number of people, possible telephone contact to recover those on the waiting list. Free and responsible entry: the donations collected are entirely allocated to the restoration of the plaster and portals of the church (2nd lot of work).

Here is the program:

18 05 24 ProgrammaDiSala2