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  • locandina Baschenis ottobre 2023
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    (Italiano) I Baschenis a Lallio: conferenza, visite guidate straordinarie e non solo…

(Italiano) I Baschenis a Lallio: conferenza, visite guidate straordinarie e non solo…

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    (Italiano) Concerto 7 settembre ricordando la nascita di San Bernardino

(Italiano) Concerto 7 settembre ricordando la nascita di San Bernardino

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(Italiano) domenica 18 giugno 2023 visita guidata ore 16.00

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Last concert of the Review: Saturday 27 May h 21

The cycle of the 42nd Review of Ancient Art and Music ends with the last of the concerts to be held

Saturday 27 May 2023 at 21 in the church of San Bernardino in Lallio.

Attached is the theater program (A4 front/rear).

Reservations are recommended at by Friday 26 May

concerto 27 05 23 LibrettoDiSala1_230522_214534

  • photo_2023-05-22_21-16-14
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    (Italiano) Conferenza dott. Valagussa per le Terre dei Baschenis

(Italiano) Conferenza dott. Valagussa per le Terre dei Baschenis

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Dies Bernardinianus: extraordinary events from 19 to 21 May

May 20th is the feast of San Bernardino of Siena, canonized in 1450 by Pope Nicholas V. The city of Bergamo paid homage to him from the beginning, paying homage to him for his great work as peacemaker in the city where he went several times, also residing in the convent of San Francesco in the Upper Town, between 1419 and 1422. The Dies Bernardinianus wants to restore the right value to this saint who did so much for our territory, leaving the mark of his preaching in many religious places (churches and convents) and lay (squares, streets, public places bearing his name or his JHS symbol (contracted name of Jesus).
In Lallio we have been celebrating him since Friday 19 May: at 8 pm a Holy Mass will be celebrated in his honor followed by a procession through the streets of the town during which some excerpts from his most famous sermons will be read.

On Saturday 20 May at 18, still in San Bernardino, Maestro Maurizio Stefanìa will hold a conference to illustrate the characteristics of the concert that will be performed the following day. Following there will be a brief illustration of the characteristics of the church of San Bernardino which will be focused in particular on the frescoes of the life of the Saint, painted by Cristoforo Baschenis the Elder.

On Sunday 21 May at 7 pm the church will host the first national performance of J.S.Bach’s “Goldberg Variations” with the soloists referred to in the hall program attached here (A4 format front/rear).

21 05 23 LibrettoDiSala

Saturday 13 May at 9 p.m…. a wonderful string concert!

Splendid music by Mozart and Haydn will be performed by “Alla maniera italiana ensemble”, a talented string quartet.

The concert is dedicated to the memory of Achille Rosa, one of the “Friends of San Bernardino” who passed away in February 2022.

Reservations are strongly recommended by writing an email to indicating the number of people.

Here the program that will be distributed at the entrance.

13 05 23 programma di sala

Concerts in May! Here is the schedule

The May concerts of the 42nd Review of Ancient Art and Music are starting!

The debut Friday 5 May at 21.

Admission is free and booking is recommended at

Download the flyer with all the appointments here.

  • 42^RASSEGNA_Locandina Evento 10 04 23
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    (Italiano) 42^ RASSEGNA DI ARTE E MUSICA ANTICA: CONCERTO DI PASQUETTA in chiesa parrocchiale


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  • La resurrezione
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    (Italiano) ANNULLATE!!! Le aperture della chiesa in periodo pasquale 2023

(Italiano) ANNULLATE!!! Le aperture della chiesa in periodo pasquale 2023

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